Haiku adventures

Sunday, August 13, 2006

natsu matsuri

This weekend Nicola, Sarah and Toshio came to visit. On Friday night it was the Shiroishi summer festival, and I volunteered them all to dance in the parade with me. We were dancing in a group with a bunch of people from the city hall, where I work.

We had a very yummy meal beforehand at somebody's house/restaurant, with plenty of beer to get us in the mood for dancing (and unfortunately get some of the weaker of the Japanese girls in the mood for stumbling and staggering).
Here's Ninkle, Sarah and DC Tosh with their special fans and clacky-things.

I work with these girls, so I really should know their names! Oh well, aren't they cute anyway?

This is my supervisor, Murakata-san. What a guy!

To reward us for all our hard work, we got amazing amounts of free beer afterwards. I even got an extra one as an "international bonus".

Finally, on the way home, we had a long drunken chat with the chief of police. Sorry the picture's a bit rubbish.

All in all, a grand night out. Bring on the next festival!


At 15/8/06 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminiscent of Felixstowe carnival.
Did people throw money at you?

M & BM


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