Haiku adventures

Friday, November 10, 2006

Apple + milk = strawberry

This morning in school a first year student came up to me in the corridor and said, slowly and deliberately, in English,

"Apple plus milk equals strawberry."

As it's not exactly rare to hear that kind of gibberish coming out of junior high school students' mouths, I thought nothing of it. But then during school lunch I noticed that today's dessert was a piece of apple. And we always get milk with our lunch. So I tried a little experiment. The result...

It's true!! If you just take a bit of apple and a sip of milk at the same time, I guarantee you a full-on strawberry experience. Try it!


At 10/11/06 11:23 PM, Blogger Ma&Pa said...

Hope this is true - Mother is off finding an apple at this very moment.

At 10/11/06 11:36 PM, Blogger Ma&Pa said...

I had really great hopes about this but all we had were English Royal Gala appples (which are a bit bitter)and skimmed milk (which is healthy but totally tasteless) so sorry no strawberry taste for us.

When he told you did the little kid say..."Look into my eyes..........."


At 10/11/06 11:52 PM, Blogger Ma&Pa said...

It is a few minutes later and we both think we have a strawberry after taste. So if you are making it up we have been completely conned. I have already sent this comment but it did not appear - not my fault if you get it twice.


At 17/11/06 11:16 PM, Blogger bloggirton said...

Chris hello

It's Hannah. I have just discovered this other blog of yours thanks to Torran tellling me it existed so have spent too much of my working afternoon reading all your entries. I will try the apple and milk experiment this weekend.

Got your letter - thank you very much it is maybe the best bit of post I've ever received, my intention is to reply but it is taking a while for that dream to become a reality.

Not too much going on here, still working, atill living with Steph and Sam although I am in the process of buying a house, getting ready for Chrimbo. Did go to Morocco last month. Anyway another one of my intentions is to actually post on home of the grange so I will save my more interesting news for that.

Later alligator xx

ps, are you home for xmas?

At 19/11/06 1:22 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Hannah, good to have you aboard. Spread the word!

I can't believe you're a homeowner at your age. What's that all about?

No, I'm afraid I'm not coming home for Xmas. I'll be sunning myself on the polluted, sex-tourist-filled beaches of Thailand with Josh. He's an English teacher in Bangkok these days.

At 20/11/06 11:53 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Chris. Actually, we'll be on an unspoilt, pristine, deserted beach, frolicking with tigers, elephants, and monkeys. And not prostitute monkeys; real monkeys. I'm very excited about it.


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