Tsuruha Drug
A few days ago I had the chance to spend quite a long time in my local Tsuruha Drug store. This is one of several chains of 'chemist superstores' that are very popular in Japan. The existence of these stores just reinforces my view that Japan is a nation of hypochondriacs.
Wako spent ages doing something to do with makeup and so I was left to kill time by wandering around the store taking pictures with my phone. It really is quite a surreal place.
First, to give you a sense of how huge this place is. This is one aisle...
And here is just one pile of washing powder...
OK, now let's move on to the insecure and gullible women department...
Next, the mysterious or improbable products department...
Interlude: Wako standing under a giant kokeshi doll...
Next, the sexiest man in Japan. This is what all young Japanese men strive to become. I'm deadly serious.
And finally, the silliest item in the whole store. An official willy-measuring device...

The red label says, "A self-check you can do at home." The writing down the side says, "To check(confirm?) the phenomenon of night-time erections."
Usually I like to finish with a witty one-liner but I'm still reeling from that last picture so I'll just leave it there.
I was going to leave a comment about the last picture regarding imperial or metric but BM said a Mother couldn't do that so I'll just question how do you get the soap powder into your basket - is it like jenga?
Yeah, is that cms or inches? And that Gatsby woman is HOT, no joke.
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