I'm eating yummy sushi. Mmmmm. Anyway, Mai came down to Tokyo again this weekend, for what will sadly be her final visit. I only have three short weeks left here, and then I go up north to spend Christmas with my sis.
We're both too poor to do anything very exciting, so we had a lazy weekend of just strolling around mostly. On Saturday we went to Yokohama, the city next door to Tokyo. It's a quaint seaside town, strangely reminiscent of Dunkerque, although much cleaner and with fewer French people. I think my sense of scale has become quite distorted owing to my living in the mind-boggling megalopolis that is Tokyo, but Yokohama seemed pretty small to me. It has a subway system and a skyscraper district, so I guess it must in fact be quite sizeable, but it still manages to retain a nice small-town feel.
First off, we went for lunch in Chinatown. That little blob under the archway is me.

Now this was a proper sized Chinatown - put the five-Chinese-restaurants-in-a-row Chinatown of Soho to shame. It's full of appetizing treats like these:

After lunch, we had a wander around. We walked past the Muscle Theater, whatever that might be.

Yokohama became even more pleasant in the evening:

Sorry Mai, you're completely out of focus, but still: kawaiiiiiiiiii!!

In the evening we went to see this guy...

...playing a rather cool acoustic gig in the smallest bar in the world. It comfortably housed about 7 people. Junjun (his real name's Jun, but Junjun for short(?)) is a friend of Mai's, and I really wish I could speak better Japanese so I could talk to him. He's great.
Also playing that night, though sadly we didn't see them, was SFKUaNK!!. Isn't that the best name for a ska funk band you've ever heard? Also, Lorenzo Braceful is the best name for a band member that I've ever heard.

Here the pictures end, but our adventures did not. On Sunday we went to the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi. It's on the 53rd floor of the humongous Mori Tower. It had scary lifts that could ascend those 53 floors in a matter of seconds, and made my ears pop. On the floor below, they have a 360-degree observation deck, which was breathtaking, especially as we went after dark. You can see the whole of Tokyo, and on a clear morning you can even see Mt. Fuji. The sea of neon below us, and the thousands of red flashing lights on the skyscrapers, made me think of Blade Runner.
As per usual, we had a manic dash across Tokyo to catch the train, although this time it was Mai's shinkansen home that we nearly missed, so it was even more serious than usual. She caught it with a full 2 minutes to spare. Never missed a train in my life!
:-( My iPod's just decided that it has zero songs, which is 9540 fewer than it should. But all the music files are still on there. I tried hitting it. I also tried telling it in an authoritative voice that it has 9540 songs on it. But all to no avail. Looks like I'm gonna have to copy all the songs to DVD-R, wipe the ipod, and copy them all back on again. That'll be fun.
iPods are so cool
Until such time as they break,
When they become poo.